APCH Safe Church: Confidant / Vertrouwenspersoon
As part of our commitment to ensuring a safe church community, APCH has a designated confidant ("vertrouwenspersoon"), a trusted person whom you can approach in confidence if you are concerned about inappropriate behavior within APCH.

APCH is committed to preserving and fostering a safe church environment. This relates particularly, but not exclusively, to individuals who are particularly vulnerable, for example due to age, physical condition, and social or psychological background and circumstances.

If you have concerns about inappropriate behavior, for example physical, sexual, emotional, verbal or financial, please do not keep that concern to yourself. Instead, contact a member of the Pastoral Care team. If that is not possible, feel free to speak to or contact the pastors (leadpastor@apch.nl; pastoralcare@apch.nl). Of course, this will be treated confidentially.

If the above does not lead to a satisfactory resolution, or if there is another reason why you do not want / cannot approach the above persons, please contact Hannah Vermeer, APCH Confidant. Hannah can be reached at confidant@apch.nl

APCH has partnered with Meldpunt Misbruik (Report Abuse). This organization supports churches in making and executing their safe church policy. Every member of APCH that has a concern or question related to an unsafe situation experienced or witnessed at APCH can contact Meldpunt Misbruik (vertrouwenspersoon@meldpuntmisbruik.nl).