Sunday Worship Service - March 12, 2023

Mar 12, 2023    Rev Doug Brouwer

The Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 is a companion story to the one found in John 3, which we looked at in worship last week. Whereas Nicodemus (in chapter 3) is apparently clueless, the Samaritan woman (in chapter 4) “gets it.” Whereas Nicodemus is a “leader of the Jews,” the Samaritan woman has no name and is not exactly rich and powerful. Whereas Nicodemus comes “at night,” the Samaritan woman came “at noon.” So, this woman – contrary to all expectations – becomes an example of what discipleship looks like. She not only understands Jesus’ offer of “living water,” she becomes an evangelist, bringing her entire village to meet Jesus. In all four gospels, it is the people who live at the margins, the people who know their need, who turn to Jesus and find grace and acceptance and new life. This is a wonderful story, one we will celebrate together in worship next Sunday.