Sunday Worship Service - April 16, 2023

Apr 16, 2023    Rev Doug Brouwer

The resurrection of Jesus – for all its important in our lives – does not lend itself to a children’s pageant. Churches re-enact the Christmas story, but (almost) never the Easter story. In fact, what happens after the resurrection is in many ways more dramatic. The story for this week – often called the “Walk to Emmaus” – is a masterpiece of suspense and storytelling. Two disciples whom we meet for the first time walk home from Jerusalem in sadness and deep disappointment only to discover that their walking companion is none other than the risen Lord himself. He makes himself known of course at table and in the breaking of the bread. The Dutch artist Rembrandt painted the scene at table twice during his career (and produced an etching as well). He was clearly taken by the story and its meaning. Next Sunday we will explore the story and what it is that makes it so compelling many centuries later.